Patient Forms

First Visit Expectations
We examine and treat on the first visit. Imaging, such as x-rays or MRI’s, are only ordered if medically indicated or necessary.
We ask that you please fill out new patient intake paperwork before your visit.
If you have previous imaging, from within the past year, we ask that you bring that with you as well.
What To Wear / Bring?
What to wear:
– Normal clothes or work wear is acceptable.
– Preferably relaxed fit or free moving athletic clothing is the best.
– It is suggested if in dress clothes that a change of shirt/shorts be brought with you.
Please bring:
– Insurance ID and information
– State Issued ID

New Patient Forms
Patient Intake Forms , HIPPA Financial Policy ,
Medical Records Release Form
Consent for Minors Form
Treatment of minors requires a team effort by the medical care provider(s) and the minor’s parent or guardian.
The parent or guardian’s responsibility includes supporting the medical directives given by the medical provider.
The medical provider’s role includes ensuring that the parent or guardian is aware of and concurs with the
treatment their child or children receives.